Ratha-Yatra and Interview with Vrindavan Prabhu

Here’s episode #15 of the 24 Hour Kirtan Podcast, probably the best episode we produced so far. Please let us know what you think – good or bad!


  1. Chant for Change – International Kirtan Festival in Jagannath Puri
  2. The Ecstatic Dancing of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Ratha-yatra – A dramatic narration by Amal Bhakta (starting at ~ 10 min)
  3. Interview with Vrindavan prabhu – one of Aindra’s main mridanga players (starting at ~ 31 min)
  4. Kirtan with Vrindavan prabhu at Krishna Balaram Mandir in May 2015

Mridanga course mentioned in this episode

Mridanga Course Los Angeles and Long Beach

Links mentioned in this episode

You can also subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, follow us on Soundcloud or subscribe to our monthly newsletter to get notified of new podcast episodes and new Kirtan recordings that are being broadcasted.

We hope you have as much fun listening to this episode as we had producing it. If you would like to help produce new podcast episodes, please get in touch. Currently our focus is on interviewing devotees who had Kirtan association with Aindra in Vrindavan or Mayapur, but we’re of course open to any other Kirtan related interviews. So if you meet with dedicated Kirtaniyas and have a recording device with you, please ask them some Kirtan questions and send us the recording by email or via a file transfer service of your choice.

Have a blissful remaining Purushottam month and stay tuned for the best Gaudiya style Kirtan on 24hourkirtan.fm. Radhe Radhe!

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