This is the 24 Hour Kirtan Mandali Radio podcast episode number 4. In this episode, Giriraj Swami and Radhanath Swami elaborate on Damodar Lila followed by Damodarastakam kirtan of Aindra Prabhu. It was during Kārttika that Krishna allowed Himself to be bound with ropes by His mother, Yasoda. Out of loving anger at her transcendentally […]
Author Archives: Nanda Kishor
“One who daily sings the glories of Yasoda’s son, Krishna, which are cooling as sandalwood and camphor, is not troubled by the days of Kali-yuga. For him at every step there is a torrential flood of the sweetest nectar.” — Srila Rupa Goswami’s Padyavali Text 42 We’ve just made a donation on the Mayapur Kirtan […]
It’s been already 6 months since the 2013 edition of Radhadesh Mellows in Belgium, but today we will start streaming the high quality recordings on our Internet radio station. If you would like to download the recordings you will not find them in our download section, but on the official Radhadesh Mellows website. Here are […]
If you’ve tuned in since last Saturday you might have noticed that we’ve been playing new recordings from this year’s 24 hour kirtan in New Vrindavan where over 650 devotees attended. According to ISKCON NEWS one guest remarked: For me, this 24 hour kirtan was the most powerful one to date. I felt that the devotees […]
Last week we have been contacted through our Facebook page by Sanātanī-devī Dāsī from Norway, a disciple of Kadamba Kanana Swami with the following words: I have this really amazing recording from New Year’s Eve 2011/2012 in Vrindavan (Krishna Balaram Mandir of course). It’s a 3.5 hour kirtan with many amazing kirtaneers. The last 1.5 hour […]
Some of you might have been already wondering why the devotee’s favorite TV station, namely MayapurTV is not yet available via Boxee, Roku or even Apple TV and Google TV. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before it will be 🙂 For the time being we have an alternative solution for all kirtan […]
This morning the kirtan community lost one of its great guiding lights, Shyamdas, whose heart continually overflowed with passionate love of Radhe Shyam. Shyamdas travelled to India in 1972 to meet Neem Karoli Baba, and then continued to explore the devotional Bhakti lineages of India under the tutelage of His Holiness Goswami Shri Prathameshji, his […]
YouTube is like a big ocean of Kirtan related videos that just have to be discovered – or something like that 😉 Here’s a really nice high quality compilation of The Mayapuris performing their legendary Bengali style Mridanga drum playing and singing, first standing than sitting. Blended into the kirtan performance, Visvambhar, Krishna Kishor and […]
On March 22, 2009, Prananatha Das filmed Aindra Prabhu along with various members of the 24 Hour Kirtan Mandali and other devotees who gathered at Kesi Ghat to celebrate the Radha Krishna Boat Festival. Very nice impressions of Kesi Ghat and Aindra Prabhu performing outside of Krishna Balaram Mandir. Radhe Radhe!
In this week’s podcast we’re going to introduce a book called The Yoga of Kirtan written in 2008 by Steven J. Rosen who’s also known under the name Satyaraja Das. The book includes 21 interviews on 504 pages as well as a full-length audio CD with kirtan performances by various interviewees. Over 70 minutes of music. […]