Category Archives: Festivals

Now Playing: Chicago Festival of the Holy Name 2015

On January the 3rd we’ve added some very sweet Kirtans recorded during the Festival of the Holy Name 2015 in Chicago with Akhanda Nam, Anishri, Darshana, Jaya Jagannath, Mukunda, Nilamadhava and Ratish. We’ve slightly optimized the volume level of the Soundcloud tracks which are now bing broadcasted on You can also listen to those recordings exclusively at the […]

Now Playing: Radhadesh Mellows 2015

Radhadesh Mellows 2015 triple MP3 album was finally released on December 10, 2015 and has been added to our playlist yesterday with additional priority, so for the rest of the year you will be hearing these beautifully arranged live Kirtan recordings on in higher frequency. Native Flashradio V3 If Radhadesh Mellows is not being broadcasted right now, please […]

Upcoming International Kirtan Festivals

Abhisheka in Goloka Dhama on Janmasthami

The summer in Europe ended with another Kirtan Mela in Germany this time held at Goloka Dham from September 1st through 4th, 2015, featuring Sacinandana Swami, Kadamba Kanana Swami, Dina Sharana, Badahari, Sarvatma, Ojasvi, Madhavananda, Ramanji and many other wonderful Kirtaniyas. We’re still looking for someone with good quality recordings, so if you happen to know that […]

Sydney Kirtan Mela 2015

In loving memory of Sripad Aindra Prabhu, the Sydney Hare Krishna temple is hosting another Kirtan Mela on April 4 and 5, 2015 with special guests Kirtan Premi and Vrindavan Kirtan Prabhus from Vrindavan.  Kirtan Mela will begin at 4 pm on Saturday with a Seminar with Kirtan Premi and Vrindavan Kirtan, where they will share the […]

Kirtan Mela Mayapur 2015


Today is the 5th and last day of Kirtan Mela Mayapur 2015. MayapurTV is broadcasting the event live with currently 840 viewers. The broadcast and archived videos are also available on We have already converted day 3 from Youtube video to MP3 audio, which will be added to our Kirtan media archive and broadcasted very soon. […]

Now Playing: Moscow Kirtan Mela 2015

Moscow Kirtan Mela 2015

Damodara Prabhu kindly pointed me to the wonderful <a href="http://lovekirtan tamiflu” target=”_blank”>recordings from Moscow Kirtan Mela 2015. Their site is not so easy to navigate for non Russian speaking folks, but I managed to add all available 2015 recordings to our media archive and will add those from 2014 as soon as possible. Moscow’s first ever […]

Holy Name Festival 2015 New Vrajamandala

From August 21 through 23, 2015 devotees from all over Europe will come together to celebrate the second edition of The Holy Name Festival in Spain. New Vrajamandala, is a beautiful and heavenly place where the sun shines like the presiding deities Sri Sri Radha Govinda Chandra and Sri Sri Gaura Nitai. Registration will open on May 5th. For more information, […]

Now Playing: Radhadesh Mellows 2014

Radhadesh Mellows

Set amidst the rolling hills of the Ardennes, Radhadesh is an ideal setting to celebrate the holy name. Whilst the beautiful forest, exquisite deities and peaceful location all contribute to the sweetness of the festival, the most wonderful quality about the Radhadesh Mellows festival is that it attracts the most sincere and dedicated kirtan lovers […]