Our politicians pay lip service to it. Our technology is indifferent to it. Our commerce despises it. Nonetheless, it is the weightiest and most important thing to think about. Spirit. The living force. The soul. Srila Prabhupada wrote that society’s most vexing and painful problems could be redressed by simply realizing who we are: individual, […]
Category Archives: Videos
Ananta Sri prabhu has compiled a beautiful video from interviews and Kirtans at Radhadesh Mellows 2015. With his permission we have extracted the interviews and play them as jingles on our radio. Here’s the full video. What is Kirtan to you? Please leave your comment below in text form or even better as an audio file and we will […]
ISKCON Vrindavan’s YouTube channel has published an ecstatic Kirtan by Agnidev Prabhu at Krishna Balaram Mandir uploaded on February 26, 2015 with Kirtan Premi playing harmonium and Gopal playing mridanga. The video is in HD quality, exceptionally good quality if you compare it to other Kirtan videos on YouTube. If only the audio was the same quality. Unfortunately, Agnideva’s karatalas […]
Surprisingly, in our modern high-paced high-controlled life style the thing that is out of control is our own mind. Though there is a simple process that can help to bring the mind back under control. This really amazing 5 minute documentary is about Awakening the Soul, an event lead by BB Govinda Swami, that delivers […]
It was in 2001 when I went to Sridham Mayapur last time, which was 3 years before the Panca Tattva deities have been installed in 2004. In 2004 Aindra Prabhu also came to Mayapur for the first time and then went there every year through 2009 to do Kirtan during Gaurapurnima festival. It was only […]
This video has been filmed live at Manly Community Centre on November 6, 2010. Another great portrait of the Kirtan life style. What’s really important in Kirtan is that attitude of surrender, of giving your heart, of giving your mind, of giving your soul in that sound vibration to the divine… But when you just let […]
If you’ve tuned in since last Saturday you might have noticed that we’ve been playing new recordings from this year’s 24 hour kirtan in New Vrindavan where over 650 devotees attended. According to ISKCON NEWS one guest remarked: For me, this 24 hour kirtan was the most powerful one to date. I felt that the devotees […]
This morning the kirtan community lost one of its great guiding lights, Shyamdas, whose heart continually overflowed with passionate love of Radhe Shyam. Shyamdas travelled to India in 1972 to meet Neem Karoli Baba, and then continued to explore the devotional Bhakti lineages of India under the tutelage of His Holiness Goswami Shri Prathameshji, his […]
YouTube is like a big ocean of Kirtan related videos that just have to be discovered – or something like that 😉 Here’s a really nice high quality compilation of The Mayapuris performing their legendary Bengali style Mridanga drum playing and singing, first standing than sitting. Blended into the kirtan performance, Visvambhar, Krishna Kishor and […]
On March 22, 2009, Prananatha Das filmed Aindra Prabhu along with various members of the 24 Hour Kirtan Mandali and other devotees who gathered at Kesi Ghat to celebrate the Radha Krishna Boat Festival. Very nice impressions of Kesi Ghat and Aindra Prabhu performing outside of Krishna Balaram Mandir. Radhe Radhe!
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