I just got back from the 8 Hour Kirtan festival in Zürich and tuned into the Croydon UK 12 Hour Kirtan which is being broadcast on Mayapur.TV.
Following on from the success of the last few years of Kirtan events in Croydon, ISKCON Croydon was proud to announce this year’s fourth annual 12 Hour Kirtan event on Saturday 26th April 2014 which took place in honor of Sripad Aindra Prabhu.
What power does the Name of Krishna possess? My heart constantly burns in the fire of wordly desires, just like a desert scorched by the rays of the sun. The Holy Name, entering the core of my heart through the holes of my ears, showers unparalleled nectar upon my soul.
I contacted ISKCON Croydon via Facebook, hoping that someone from the festival audio department will get back to us for the recordings. We would love to play the various sweet Kirtans on 24 Hour Kirtan Mandali Radio. Jay Radhe!